ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA provided with CIF B43573203, is acting as titular, dynamic and manager of contents of the present Web. ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA is informing to the users that it fulfils with the rules of data protection in force and with special character, with the Regulations 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council dated April 27th 2016 in relationship with the protection of physical persons as far as the treatment of personal data and to the free circulation of this data is concerned and for this reason is abolished the Directive 95/46/EU( (General rules of data protection) and with the Law of the Society of Services of the Information and Electronic Commerce, Law 34/2002, dated July 11th.
Business name or name of the company CIF
Address: CAMI AMPLE S/N.
Town: Castellvell del Camp
Postal Code: 43392
The use of the Web attributes the condition of User and involves the full and without any reserve acceptance of all and anyone of the dispositions included in this Legal Warning and in the Privacy Policies in the published version by ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA at the same time that the user is accessing to the web. Therefore, the User should read carefully the present Legal Warning and the Privacy Policies in anyone of the occasions in which he is proposing to use the web, because it can have amendments.
ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA is not responsible of the external webs to which it can access through “links” or of any other content at disposal of third parties.
Any use of a link or access to a external web is effected by exclusive will and risk of the user and ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA does not recommend neither guarantee any information obtained through a foreign ling to the web of ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA and he is not responsible of any loss, claim or damage derived from the use of misuse of a link, or of the information obtained through it, including other links or webs, of the interruption of the service or in the access, or of the attempt of use or misuse a link, as long as in connecting to the Web of ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA as in the access to the information of other webs form the web of ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA links from other external webs.
It is expressly forbidden to establish the link from the pages which contain manifestations or publicity of character racist, xenophobe, pornographic, apology of the terrorism, against the Human Rights or any other or illicit character or contrary to the moral or public order. In any case it must be understood nor declare that ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA is intervening, is answering for, is promoting of is participating or has supervised in any way any of the contents of the page where the link appear, nor agrees its incursion, except express authorisation.
ALIMENTOS BIOLOGICOS OLEANDER, SA provided with CIF A43351287, acts as a titular, dynamic and manager of contents of the present Web. ALIMENTOS BIOLOGICOS OLEANDER, SA informs to the Users that he fulfils with the rules of data protection in force, and with special character, with the Regulations (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council dated April 27th 2016 relative to the protection of physical persons as far as the treatment of personal data and to the free circulation is concerned and by which is abolished the Directive 95/46/EU (General rules of data protection) and with the Law of the Society of Services of the Information and Electronic Commerce, Law 34/2002, dated July 11th.
According the this regulations we inform you that the data furnished by the User through the forms of the web, will be incorporated and treated in a treatment duly registered is the RGAEPD of which is responsible ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA with the purpose of attending the relationship established between the parts and protected by the regulations specially in the field of Data Protection of Personal Kind and other connected legislation. The data are confidential and its use responds to the purposes legally established in each determined moment. If you wish you can access, amend, cancel or oppose to the treatment of these data through a writing addressed to Cami Ample s/n 43392 BUSTIA 182 CASTELLVELL DEL CAMP (Tarragona). To obtain more information about our Privacy Policy, please address yourself to the link Privacy Policy enabled in this same web page.
In this web can be used cookies in some pages. The purpose of these cookies is improving the service which offers to its customers and to our visitors. If you wish to know more about the use of cookies from the side of ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA.
ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA is informing that at any moment is implementing the suitable measures of safety in order to present to the users of the web appropriate, certain and actualized information and services; nevertheless, he is reserving the right of amendment on those aspects that, eventually and on a fortuity way, could suffer incorrectness, lack of actualization or mistakes.
ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA has obtained the information and the materials included in the web of sources considered as reliable, but if had been taken measures corresponding to insure that the contained information could be correct, they do not guarantee that it would be exact and updated.
At the same time they are warning that the contents of this web, have two purposes, on informative purpose regarding quality, situation, services and prices and another the sell of services, as foreseen in this legal warning and the remaining legal texts of this web.
ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA declines any responsibility in case of existing interruption or a bad working of the services or contents offered in Internet, any would be its reason. At the same time, ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA is not responsible for the falls in the net, loss of information as a result of these falls, temporary suspensions of the electric fluid or any other kind of indirect damage which could be caused to the users for foreign causes to ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA.
ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA does not declare neither guarantee that the services or contents would be interrupted or being free of mistakes, that the faults could be corrected, or that the service or server who puts it to disposal could be free of virus or other harmful components, without prejudice that ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA is effecting his best efforts to avoid this kind of incidents. In case that the User would take determinate decisions or would take actions based in the information included in any of the websites, it is recommended the verification of the information received with other sources.
The contents rendered by ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA as well as the contents empty out in the net through their web pages, constitute a work in the sense of the legislation about intellectual property and, for this reason, they are protect6ed by international laws and agreements applicable in the matter.
It is forbidden any kind of reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation, and put at disposal and, in general, any other act of public exploitation referred as well to the Web pages as to their contents and information, without the express and previous consent and by writing of ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA.
Therefore, all the contents shown in the different websites and, specially, designs, texts, graphics, logotypes, icons, bottoms, program, commercial names, marks, industrial drawings or any other signs susceptible of industrial and commercial use are subject to the rights of intellectual and industrial property of ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA or of third holders of the same who have duly authorized its inclusion in the different websites.
The contents, images, shapes, opinions index and other formal expressions which are taking part of the Web pages, as well as the necessary program for the running and viewing of the same, constitute at the same time a work in the sense of the Right of Author and therefore remain protected by the international conventions and the national legislations in the matter of intellectual property which could results applicable. The not fulfilment of the same involves the commission of serious illicit acts and its punishment by the civil and penal legislation.
It is forbidden any act for which the Users of the services and contents could exploit or serve themselves commercially, direct or indirectly, fully or partially, of any of the contents, images, shapes, index and other formal expression which form part of the Web pages without previous permission and by writing of ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA.
Concretely, and without exhaustive character, are forbidden the acts of reproduction, distribution, exhibition, transmission, broadcasting, issue in any way, warehouse in physical or logical supports (for example, diskettes of hard disc of computers), digitalisation or put at disposal from data base different to the pertaining to the authorized by ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA as well as its translation, adaptation, arrangement or any other transformation of these opinions, images, forms, index and other formal expressions which are put at disposal of the users through the services or contents, pointing out that those acts are submitted to the legislation applicable in the matter of Intellectual, industrial or image protection property.
ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA is free to restrict the access to the Web pages, and to the products and/or services offered there, as well as the consequent publication of the opinions, remarks, images or comments that the Users could reach them through the electronic mail.
ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA in this sense, can establish, if he considers it convenient, without the prejudice of the unique and exclusive responsibility of the Users, the necessary filters in order to avoid that through their Web pages could empty out to the net contents or opinions, considered as racists, xenophobes, discriminatory, pornographic, defamatory or that in any way could foment the violence or dissemination of contents clearly illicit or harmful.
Those User who remit to the Web page of ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA to its department of suggestions, remarks opinions or comments through the service of electronic mail, except they express certain and unmistakable way the contrary, in cases in which by the nature of services or contents this could be possible, it is understood that they authorise to ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA for the reproduction, distribution, exhibition, broadcasting, in any format, warehousing in physical or logical supports (for example, diskettes of hard disc of computers) digitalisation, put at disposal of the data bases pertaining to ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA translation, adaptation, arrangement or any other transformation of those remarks, opinions or comments, for all the time of protection of right of author legally foreseen.
At the same time,. It is understood that this authorisation is made at free title, and by the only fact of remitting by electronic mail those remarks, opinions or comments, the Users declined any kind of remuneration by the side of ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA.
According to the indicated in the previous paragraph, ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA is authorised equally to proceed to the amendment or alter of such remarks, opinions or comments, in order to adapt them to the needs of the editorial format of the Web pages, without that for this reason could be understood that it exists at all any kind of damage of any of the moral faculties of the right of author that the Users could have on these.
They are forbidden any of the technical, logical or technological resources by which a third party could benefit himself, directly or indirectly, with or without remuneration, of all and anyone of the contents, forms, index and other formal expressions which take part of the Web pages, or of the effort carried out by ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA for its running.
Concretely, it is forbidden any link, hyerlink, framing or similar link which could be established in direction to the Web pages of ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA without the previous, express and by writing agreement of the customer. Any transgression of what is disposed in this point will be considered as damage to the legitimate rights of intellectual property of ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA about the Web pages and the contents of the same.
ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA will not assume any responsibility in front of consequences derived of the behaviours and acts previously indicated, in the same way will not assume any responsibility for the contents, services, products, etc., of third parties to which it could directly access or through banners, links, hyperlinks, framing or similar links from the websites of ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA.
They will be forbidden any of the technical, logical or technological resources through which a third party could be benefited, directly or indirectly, with or without remuneration, of all and anyone of the contents, forms, index and other formal expressions which are taking part of the Web pages, or the effort carried out by ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA for its running.
Concretely, it is forbidden any link, hyperlink, framing or similar link which could be established in direction to the Web pages of ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA, without previous, express or written agreement of ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA. Any transgression of what is disposed in this point will be considered as damage to the legitimate rights of Intellectual property of the CUSTOMER on the Web pages and all the contents of the same.
ALIMENTOS BIOLÓLGICOS OLEANDER, SA will not assume any responsibility in front of consequences derived from the behaviours and acts previously indicated, in the same way they will not assume any responsibility for the contents, services, products, etc. of third parties to which it could be directly accessed or through banners, links, hyperlinks, framing or similar links from the websites of ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA.
Oleander Bio works with organic farming manufacturers from all around Spain. Only a few foreign products are imported (those which cannot be found in our area) so that we have a role in the agricultural area preservation and avoid rural depopulation.