Privacy policy
Firm name of the Responsible CIF: ALIMENTOS BIOLOGICOS OLEANDER, SA A43351287
Purpose: Contact data management to respond to doubts and/or questions. To send, in its case, communications which could be of your interest.
The present privacy policy of ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA is ruling the obtention, use and other ways of personal data processing facilitated by Users at the present Web or any of the Internet environments of ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA.
Through the implantation of the possible forms included in the different websites, related to the service rendered or to the commercialised products by ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA the Users accept the inclusion and treatment of the data which could furnish in a treatment of data of personal kind of which is titular ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA, being able to exercise the pertinent rights according to it is exposed in the following clauses.
All the legal texts are at disposal of the Users and/or interested in the web page
Who is the responsible of the treatment of your data?
ALIMENTOS BIOLOGICOS OLEANDER, SA is the legal person responsible of the collection and processing of your personal data in relationship with the rendered services and/or products which are commercialised in this web.
ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA is engaging himself to respect and safeguard your privacy and the safety of your data. The identifiable data of the Responsible of the Treatment are:
Firm Name of the Responsible / CIF: ALIMENTOS BIOLOGICOS OLEANDER, SA / A43351287
Please contact with us: CAMI AMPLE , S/N. 43392 CASTELLVELL DEL CAMP (TARRAGONA) – contact.
With which purpose are collecting us your data?
According to it is foreseen in the regulations in force, ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA only collects data strictly necessary in order to offer the services derived from its activity and other contributions, steps and activities attributed by the Law.
In the present web, only are treated data of contact furnished by the Users. The data which could be collected from the User will be treated with the purpose of:
– Management of the data of contact for enabling to give an answer to the doubts and/or made out questions.
– Remittance of communications which could be of your interest.
We inform you that they not are effected automatic evaluations, and will not be elaborate users’ profiles.
At the same time, we inform you that the information of the data bases could be used for the identification of Users and for the realisation of statistic studies.
During how long can we keep your personal data?
The personal data will be kept while the User does not manifest the contrary for the terms of conservation legally established, except that for logical and evident reasons have lost the utility or the legitimate purpose for which they were captured.
To which receivers will communicate your data?
To third parties who help us to furnish services of technology of the information, as furnishers of platform, services of housing web, etc. In relationship to this, ALIMENTOS BIOLÓLGICOS OLEANDER, SA will co-operate in order that these third parties fulfil with the legislation in force, but the responsibility will be exigible to those.
ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA does not sell, locate or cede the e-mails of the users to other bodies, except in the case that it would be necessary for the own rendering of service.
ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA does not sell, locate or cede the e-mails of the Users to other bodies, except in the case it would be necessary for the own rendering of service.
The Web can have in a future links, applications or functionalities shared with third parties, as the social nets or systems of communication on-line. ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA will not be responsible of the information which could be collected in these applications, functionalities, or social nets entitled by third parties without having any capacity of management nor control on the same, being therefore the application of the legal warnings and the privacy policies which could be clear in the web places or similar of third parties.
Which are the rights of the Users who are furnishing us their data?
The users can exercise, regarding the data collected in the described way in the first point, the rights recognised in the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council dated April 27th 2016, relative to the protection of the physical persons in connection to the treatment of personal data and the free circulation of these data and for which is abolished the Directive 95/46/EU (General regulation of data protection) and in particular the rights of portability, access, amendment, suppression and limitation to the treatment.
The mentioned rights in the previous paragraph could be exercised for each user through written and signed request, accompanied by the photocopy of the DNI or passport to the following address:
At the same time, we inform to the Users that they can retire the agreement for the treatment of their data in any moment, as well as they can present a claim in front of the Authority of Control (Spanish Agency of Data Protection) in case of considering it suitable.
In case of existing any behaviour or situation which could be susceptible of generating an incidence or irregularity of any kind, you must contact to:
The introduction of his data in any of the sheets of collecting of data implies the acceptance of the present conditions of use and privacy policy, being understood that he have been informed of the conditions of use, legal warning of the same and that you engage to its total fulfilment during the sailing and participation in the Web
In any case, the user is responsible of the authenticity of the furnished data, which must be exact, actual and complete for a purpose for which they are furnished, assuming the responsibility of the damages and prejudices, even for profit ceasing as for emergent damage, which could be generated by these inaccuracy or falseness. In any case, if the furnished data in the corresponding forms were entitled by a third party, the User is the only responsible of the correct collection of the agreement and information to the third party about the aspects reflected in the present Legal Warning and Privacy Policy.
As much as the access to the web as to the use which could be effected of the information and contents included in the same, will be of exclusive responsibility of whom effect it. Therefore, the use which could be done of the information, images, contents and/or products described are accessible through the same, will be subordinated to the legacy, as if it is national or international, applicable, as well as to the principles of good faith and legal use by the side of the Users, to which will be totally responsible of this access and correct use. The Users will be obliged to make a reasonable use of the services or contents, under the principle of good faith and with respect to the legality in force, to the moral, to the public order, to the good habitudes, to the rights of third parties or of the own enterprise, with all, according to the possibilities and purposes for which are conceived.
ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA does not assume responsibilities, being direct or indirect, for emergent damages or benefit ceasing, derived from the misuse of services or contents done by the users or third parties.
In fulfilment of the duty of information established in section 10 of the Law in force 34/2002 dated July of the Society of the Information and of the Electronic Commerce, we communicate you that the dynamic and manager of the contents of the Web where can be discharged different applications and/or information is ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA with domicile in Cami Ample s/n. 43392 CAstellvell del Camp (Tarragona) and with the management of the Internet domain, inscribed in the corresponding register, paying attention to communications of the users and/or interested through the contact form.
Any other commercial, mercantile, administrative or of contracting activity of products and/or services is responsibility of the previously mentioned body, owner of this domain.
ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA is only responsible of the contents and the management of the Web page of which would be titular or show a right of analogue nature. Any other web page or social net or replacement of information in Internet, of the present Web, is responsibility of their legal titular.
ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA co-operates in an ordinary way with different applications and web environments and always recommends to all the users that before accessing to these environments they should read carefully the corresponding legal warnings and privacy policies and that only should access to the same once have understood and accepted in full this legal text.
ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA is engaged to control the contents which would be exposed in these social nets and will expel those users which effect and incorrect use of the same.
ALIMENTOS BIOLÓGICOS OLEANDER, SA recommend, following the instruction of the National Institute of Technologies of the Communication (INTECO) and of the Spanish Agency of Data Protection (AEPD), for the use of social nets or sailing in web environments, the execution of the following actions:
– It is recommended to all users to go over to the use of personal pseudonyms or “nicks” with which can operate through Internet, allowing to dispose of a true “digital identity” which could not interdict the safety of his personal and professional life.
– It is recommended to the users taking into account at the moment of publishing audiovisual and graphic contents in their profiles, given that in this case can risk the privacy and intimacy of persons of their environment.
– It is recommended to review and read, even in the previous moment of the register of the user as further the general conditions of use and the privacy policy which the platform put at your disposal in the web environments.
– It is recommended to duly shape the degree of privacy of the profile of the user in the social net, in a way that this could not be completely public, but only could access to the published information in the profile those people having been catalogued as “friends” or “direct contacts” previously by the User.
– It is recommended to accept as a contact only those known people or with which you keep any previous relationship, not accepting on a compulsive way all the requests of contact which h can be received and always investigating whenever it would be possible and necessary which is the person who request your contact through the social net.
– It is recommended not to publish in the profile of the user information of physical contact which could allow to any person where you live, were you are working or study daily, or the leisure places which you usually frequent.
To the users of mycrobloggfing tools it is recommended to be especially careful in regard of the publication of information relative to the places where you are in any moment.
– It is recommended only to use and publish contents regarding which you can account with the sufficient rights of intellectual property. In the contrary, the User is committing a civil illegal protected by the side of national courts.
– It is recommended that the users are using different names of users and passwords to get in the different social nets of which you could be member.
– It is recommended the use of passwords with a minimal extension of 8 characters, alphanumerical, and with the use of capital letters and normal letters.
– It is recommended to all users to dispose in their equipments of software antivirus installed and duly updated.
All the information concerning this web page must be read. In this it is explained who are the titular of the same and the purpose for which are requested the data.